Friday, January 15, 2010

Cattle Futures Prices Is This An Accurate Discription Of What A Hillary Presidentual Term Would Be Like?

Is this an accurate discription of what a Hillary Presidentual term would be like? - cattle futures prices

Today the Democratic Party and its likely candidate, Hillary Clinton, and from where they left before the era of George W. Bush postponed. This could have serious consequences if it becomes the next president of the United States.
Kyoto: Clinton is an advocate of increasing the Kyoto Protocol, the price of energy and cause serious damage would cause the U.S. economy, but most environmentalists agree that it does not significantly reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced by human activities.

Corruption: Her brother was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to get support on the pardon of her husband. During the last visit Hillary in the White House, travel to the Lincoln Bedroom were awarded campaign contributions. You actually create legal documents that were used in the agricultural regime in Whitewater, and she came with which he bribed a crooked case, the term for cattle.


JimSock said...

Hillary Clinton income tax code is the first investment managers realized attack (interest income). They are the carotid artery of the American economy and will require the best of them in a different kind of work. We stay with the inmates and the level of performance directors of the Bank for the entry of our investments.

It is apparently incapable of a clear position against the war in Iraq, and that alone is enough to disqualify. His refusal, on Terri Schiavo, not to mention the gross compromise talk about flag burning, are just contemptible little dodges.

Vote for Hillary, as with unlimited abortions, no matter the circumstances. By far, the only problem he has, and a clear position.

David Geffen
"You can not win, and it is a very polarizing figure. And ambition is not sufficient reason." So the irony of Hillary Clinton, she would never know enough to run for the presidency, if not for the man, but her man is the reason for not going to win the 2008 elections.

They say that theThis is a big part of the base of the Democratic Party wants Hillary Clinton the presidency of the United States in 2008. When your dreams come true and more than two terms of Hillary Clinton or Bush or Clinton has occupied the White House for 28 consecutive years! What is the idea most disturbing and depressing! I hope that America has more sense than that.

wormwar1 said...

If Hillary is elected, that made hundreds of militia, when her husband was president and could be summarized in a civil war.

Jesus loves Ann Coulter said...

Do not expect to tell the liberals from the street to their gods in Washington or abroad. Before the law and the criticism of the school accountability to the electorate.

I twice asked by libs no shame if all the talk Unamerican John Kerry has given since he lost the election. But above all I got was, "even if the Republicans are worse" and "he does not speak for all Democrats." This is a serious candidate for the White House came here a little, made observations on how our troops are stupid and the United States is an international pariah. "Nothing says attacks against Americans and our country abroad, in a speech during a period of war. And the really disgusting bookstores in the street just dont care. No guilt, no accountability.

That's why Hillary has not done anything to apologize, and immediately forgotten. This is really a socialist Big Bush. And even when she talks tough on terror against Obama, the back and lean fighting, the war on terrorism than most Democrats Do not take more seriously.

Avner Eliyahu R said...

I hope, God willing, there will never be president or something like that.

Neenie said...

They seem paranoid.
I am sorry for you.

Opiniona... said...

Bring it on.

suthrnly... said...

Yes, yes. They also called for the support that is the image of big corporations, the same promises with his throat with a higher tax burden for them. WHO will support a person who wants to punish them? Of course, the Nanny Staters are happy to hear that "their business plans and cons is not right, Up Your Alley. It's just to show that they say anything for votes.

We need to get a true conservative in office, Hillary, and certainly not pay that bill.

R8derMik... said...

No, I think the description is wrong.
Furthermore, I see the party further to the left.
Hillary Clinton is a moderate and govern from the center.

Moderates Unite! said...

The reason I do not support Clinton because I think it will be at least 4 if not 8: (year of "doing nothing" policy.
The Congress was completely paralyzed and you will see the polarization that we have never seen before - even worse than now.
It is not like the time the bill accordingly. Things werent great crisis, but there was so much more. This time we have now to solve problems, not pass along the trail to another person.
Therefore, it is the wrong choice at the wrong time.

Moderates Unite! said...

The reason I do not support Clinton because I think it will be at least 4 if not 8: (year of "doing nothing" policy.
The Congress was completely paralyzed and you will see the polarization that we have never seen before - even worse than now.
It is not like the time the bill accordingly. Things werent great crisis, but there was so much more. This time we have now to solve problems, not pass along the trail to another person.
Therefore, it is the wrong choice at the wrong time.

daorange... said...

They make a horror movie - if you share - it's creepy - and worse - they can do --

It's scary

hemihead... said...

Do not forget to throw in the middle of civil war in Darfur, under the pretense of genocide.

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